Chiropractic Care: Solving Headaches at the Source

person sitting at table with headache painWhile headaches are incredibly common, they are definitely not normal. Approximately 50% of the population will experience headaches at some point, but that doesn’t mean they should be accepted as part of life. Whether it’s migraines, tension headaches, cluster headaches, or ocular migraines, it’s important to get to the root of the issue.

“Being in practice now for 25 years, the question I always ask is ‘what’s causing the problem,'” says Dr. Jean-Guy.

The Problem with Symptom-Only Solutions

Conventional medical approaches often rely on medications such as aspirin or popular OTC headache and migraine medication. These treatments may temporarily alleviate the pain but do nothing to address the root cause. Dr. Jean-Guy poses an essential question to patients: Do headaches occur because you don’t have enough medication in your system? The answer is, of course, no!

Is it lifestyle, is it stress, is it things you eat? “What’s the trigger? We want to find that out,” emphasizes Dr. Jean-Guy.

The Role of Spinal Health in Headaches

Over his years in practice, Dr. Jean-Guy has noticed a major link between spinal health and headaches. Spinal and nervous system issues, particularly in the upper cervical region (the top two bones of the neck), often contribute to chronic headaches. Prior injuries to the spine that were never corrected—or were only partially corrected—can result in joint dysfunction and nerve irritation.

When the upper cervical joints are not moving correctly, they develop scar tissue, which leads to a condition known as dysafferentation, which, in plain English, means those bones are not moving properly. According to Dr. Jean-Guy, when the bones then start to irritate those nerves, people will start having some of those headaches or migraines.

Why Headaches Are Common But Not Normal

Many patients come in saying they have “normal headaches.” Dr. Jean-Guy’s message is simple: Normal means you have none. If headaches are preventing you from living your best life, whether by affecting your ability to work, be present for your kids, or simply enjoy your favorite activities, we’re here to help.

Schedule an Evaluation Today

Isn’t it time to put that pounding pain in your past? Call (517) 336-8880 today to book an evaluation. Dr. Jean-Guy and the Rassel-Daigneault Holistic Health Center team are here to provide thorough assessments and personalized chiropractic care to address the root cause of your headaches and provide lasting relief so you can enjoy life to the fullest.


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