Nutrition Testimonials at
Rassel-Daigneault Holistic Health Center
What Our Lansing Patients Say
At Rassel-Daigneault Holistic Health Center we love when patients share with us their feedback and comments after our nutrition program. Please read our patient testimonials below to see what other people have achieved through their tailored treatment plans with us.
Share your stories too! Click here to send us your feedback so that we can help to spread the word about the benefits of natural care.
For more information, or to schedule an appointment contact us today.
The Weight Just Keeps Coming Off
3 days after I started, I no longer needed my inhaler! I had so much energy and I experienced clarity of thought I’ve not experienced in my life. In 8 weeks, I lost 20 pounds without really trying, and the weight just keeps coming off. Another thing I noticed is massive decrease in my craving for sweets.
– Mark S.
Vast Improvement
– Carly.
Fibromyalgia Gone After Chiropractic, Nutrition
More Energy and Walking With Ease
Relief With Nutrition Response Testing
Anxiety Is Almost Completely Gone
Since I started the nutrition program, my energy level has improved dramatically. My anxiety is almost completely gone and my headaches are down to once in a while. I eat great and feel so much better. I definitely notice when I eat any fast food that I feel terrible. Once you start eating healthier it is really hard to go back to eating anything not good for you. This is a great program and I highly recommend it for everyone. This was a life changing experience for me. Without Dr. Jean-Guy’s help and encouragement from the staff, I would still be on anti-anxiety medication and still feeling terrible. Thank you to Dr. Jean-Guy and his staff!
– Jessica G.
Horrible Breath Gone
Feeling 25 Again
No More Excessive Sweating
Amazed at How Good I Feel
I am amazed at how good I feel. My mind is much keener than before. I have energy to spare. When I wake in the mornings, I am ready to go. I have significantly reduced my simple carb intake.
– Carol S.
More Energy
More energy. I’m down 2 dress sizes. I hold chiropractic adjustments for 7-14 days, feel better, eat more raw and unprocessed foods, drink more water and have less frequent hot flashes.
– Linda G.
TSH Level Lowered From 11 to 4
Allergy Free
Improved Health
Much Healthier
I have been much healthier, only been sick once in the last four months. Duration of sickness was reduced dramatically (only 2 days). Allergies are under control with only minor drainage occasionally. Headaches are less severe and do not occur as often. In general, I feel healthier than I have in a long time.
– David D.
Skin Has Totally Cleared Up
I am free congestion totally and have not had a sinus infection while under Dr. Jean-Guy’s nutritional care. My skin has totally cleared up and I feel energized and wonderful!
– Megan C.