The Power of Touch: How Massage Therapy Made a Positive Impact

man-in-red-shirt-seated-back-massage-sq-400Every day, LMT Mikki Williams finds great satisfaction in assisting clients of all ages and backgrounds in improving their health. One such client is a young man with Down syndrome who has been receiving massage therapy at Rassel-Daigneault Holistic Health Center for about a year.

Overcoming Anxiety and Tension

When Mikki first met the young client, she noticed he faced significant challenges with communication, muscle stiffness, and anxiety. After his first massage, he expressed, “I feel so good.” This marked the beginning of a remarkable transformation.

He once asked Mikki, “Can you make the gray clouds disappear and give me sunshine?” When prompted to explain, he expressed a desire for relief from his headaches, which he likened to gray clouds in his head. Mikki’s expertise brought him relief, and his mother noticed he became happier and more communicative at home.

Managing Seizures and Pain

Initially unbeknownst to Mikki, the young man also experienced seizures. Following a severe episode that left him with intense headaches, neck pain, and arm discomfort, Mikki utilized her expertise in positional release and myofascial techniques. Employing gentle holding, slight circular friction, and slow myofascial release, she provided treatment despite the general caution against massage for seizure patients. His mother observed a noticeable reduction in muscle tension before and after the treatment, and he remained seizure-free for six weeks following the session.

Celebrating Achievements

Through the combined efforts of massage therapy and chiropractic care, the young man’s physical condition significantly improved. Previously tight muscles that restricted proper spine movement were loosened, facilitating more effective chiropractic adjustments. This holistic approach relieved his pain and enhanced his performance in daily activities.

The client achieved several notable milestones: winning a bowling tournament, excelling at a karate recital, and earning a black belt!

Book Your Session Today

If you or someone you care about has experienced seizures or other health concerns and is curious about the potential benefits of massage therapy, reach out to us today to schedule an appointment with Mikki.


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