What To Expect at Rassel-Daigneault Holistic Health Center Nutrition Visits

Your Nutrition Visits Consist of Multiple Parts:

Heart Rate Variability
Percentage of Adipose/Body Fat
Level of Hydration Tests
Nutritional Response Testing
Report of Findings
Nutritional Counseling & Education
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This first visit takes about an hour to an hour and a half to complete. We ask that all new patients have a list of current medications/supplements they are taking.

The new patient will first fill out the paperwork, then the patient advocate will bring them to the exam room where the nutrition assistant will do the exam and then they will be led to a nutrition room where they will have their Nutritional Response Testing evaluation.

At the end of the evaluation, the nutrition assistant will give the patient a food log with instructions to fill it out throughout the week and bring it back on their next visit. The patient then checks out with the patient advocate and schedules their next appointment. The goal of the first nutrition visit is to determine whether the patient is a Nutrition Reflex Testing case or not.


The second nutrition visit is called the report of findings visit. The patient is instructed to read the written report of finding and recommendations that were gathered at the initial nutrition visit. After the patient is given time to review the report, the doctor/nutrition assistant will come in and answer any questions the patient may have about their program.

If the patient is a Nutritional Response Testing case and agrees to the recommendations we then proceed with the first therapeutic visit.


A typical office visit lasts about ten minutes. During this visit, we test the patient for any new reflexes and find out if any supplements need to be added or deleted from their program. We will review the patient’s food log from the previous week, and make necessary recommendations concerning the food they eat.

In addition to filling out weekly food logs, we give the patient homework to be completed by their next nutrition visit. The homework is quite simple, usually a pamphlet or short book to read on a nutrition topic.

We encourage our patients to ask any and all questions they may have since their last visit concerning nutrition, their homework, etc. After all questions have been answered, the patient will refill any food supplements that are needed, get a copy of their previous food log with notes, schedule their next appointment and check out.


We want to create a five star hotel experience for our patients. We want them to have a unique experience as far as the way they are being treated when they come in to the office, while they are being seen, and after they leave. We specialize in spinal correction, which is really unique to our office, as well as nutritional counseling and programs for the patient that wants to be at their best at all times. We have state of the art equipment such as digital x-rays, cold laser therapy and whole body vibration.

To learn more about nutrition and all of the services offered at Rassel-Daigneault Holistic Health Center, contact us today.


What To Expect at Rassel-Daigneault Holistic Health Center Nutrition Visits